
[photo by Marty Coleman]








在〈謝謝你們-給文昌國小的老師們〉中有 8 則留言

  1. @Marty, actually I’m in Taiwan. But never mind, I’m also in thousands of miles away from you! :mrgreen:

    It’s happy to let you know what I wrote. Especially in my poor English. XD

    Thanks for your congratulations!

  2. Neil,
    I am very moved by your words. It is wonderful to know that a photo taken in the middle of the North American continent, in a small back yard in a small town can be used to express someone’s feelings thousands of miles away in China.

    I am glad you are moving out of the dark period of your life, that the storm is over and a new day has come for you. Congratulations!

  3. @Marty, thanks for your amazing photo. It’s so beautiful.

    This is a paragraph about “gratitude".

    I made my first speech to the teachers in an elementary school few days ago. I felt an immense gratitude to them for giving me such a good opportunity. They did inspired me to know that my effort in recent years is not wasting.

    Recent years are the hard time in my life. Your photo reflects my heart now after that speech.

    When the storm had passed away, the sunshine will more shining than before.

    Anyway, thanks for your beautiful photo. 🙂

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